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Free Online Bible School
When students create their account, they are automatically registered as Auditing Students. However, it is a simple process to upgrade your enrollment. Also, it is completely free. If you upgrade your enrollment you will not only have access to the videos and syllabus, but you will also have free online viewing access to the teacher’s Course Notes, exams and any Course Books published by WVBS.
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Free Bible Reference Material
Bible reference materials help deepen understanding of scriptures, historical context, and culture. They offer insights into original languages, themes, and practical applications, fostering spiritual growth and meaningful discussions on faith. The link below provides free, truth-proven commentaries on all Bible books and passages.
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Free Bible Correspondence Courses
The Jackson church of Christ offers free Bible correspondence courses, allowing self-paced study from home. These structured lessons deepen understanding of scripture, strengthen faith, and foster spiritual growth. Access these home studies through the link below.
Study At Home
In-person Bible Studies
The Jackson church of Christ offers in-person Bible studies. These Bible studies offer a unique opportunity for individuals to engage deeply with the scriptures, fostering a more intimate and personalized understanding of God’s word. These in-person personal Bible studies encourage self-discipline and critical thinking, as individuals explore the biblical texts.
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Gospel Brodcasting Network
The Gospel Broadcasting Network (GBN) is a Christian media organization dedicated to sharing the message of the Bible and the gospel of Christ through television, radio, and online platforms. Based on the principles of New Testament Christianity, GBN offers programs focused on worship, Bible study, and spiritual growth, reaching audiences worldwide.
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World Video Bible School
World Video Bible School (WVBS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing Bible-based education through video and online resources. Established in 1986, WVBS offers a wide range of materials, including Bible studies, sermons, and evangelism tools, designed to help individuals deepen their faith and knowledge of God's Word.
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Apologetics Press
Apologetics Press is a Christian organization committed to defending the truth of the Bible and promoting faith in God through scholarly research and accessible resources. Since its founding in 1979, it has produced articles, books, and multimedia materials on topics like creation, biblical reliability, and moral issues, equipping believers to address challenges to their faith.
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